This is my first blog ever, so I will immediately set the tone. I wanted to start a blog so I could have another creative outlet, and I wanted to tell stories. I am not doing this for any other reason. I'm 26, I'm a pretty busy girl, and I love George Michael. I am sure more juicy tid-bits of my life will be apparent as this blog progresses, so I will leave that as my introduction.
I'd like a big part of this blog to be about little things that make me happy that I want to share. I get excited about the "little things in life" and I like to share. Here, I can gush about whatever I want and my friends can CHOOSE to hear about it or not! It's a win-win situation!
The reason I am excited about George Michael today is because of my Taxi driver last night. My friends and I took a taxi to see a film our friend Christine was in. The taxi driver had a nice music set up - and I saw a button that said "George Michael." I of course asked for him to please press it - and he blasted "Careless Whisper." It was really a great Fall moment: Windows down, George Michael blaring, and the cool wind in your hair. FEELS GREAT!!
Now, if you are not a GM fan, then I suggest you drive your car with the windows down on a cool night and play "Careless Whisper" as loud as you can on your stereo. You will then become a George Michael lover and thank me. For me, it's hard to compare George Michael to anyone else. I never tire of his music, and it's perfect for many occasions. When I don't hear him for awhile and I get a little taste like this one - I get really happy. I will probably listen to him all week.
OK - so this is how the blog is going to go. I'm going to write about whatever I want and I'm going to see what happens. Enjoy!